A new member is joining the Ligabue Group team
NEIL PALOMBA, one of the top managers in the cruise industry
- formerly at MSC Crociere, Costa Crociere and at Carnival Cruise Line -
is entering as a Board Member of Plantours Kreuzfahrten.

Venice / Bremen 31.01.2024

A new member is joining the Ligabue Group team: Neil Palomba, a top manager in the cruise industry, is joining as a Board Member of Plantours Kreuzfahrten.
The Ligabue Group, a world leader in the supply, travel retail and maritime service sectors and energetic facility management, is proud to announce the entry of Neil Palomba into the board of directors of the tour operator, Plantours Kreuzfahrten.
Mr. Palomba, with a solid career at MSC Crociere, Costa Crociere and Carnival Cruise Line behind him, will be bringing his experience to support the phase of expansion and development of the cruise segment of the Ligabue Group.

The Ligabue Group, which already owned the Lady Diletta and the Lady Cristina and MS Hamburg Cruises, recently expanded its fleet with purchase of the "Sans Souci" luxury boutique river ship. This move is testimony to the Ligabue Group's determination to consolidate its presence in the maritime sector.

Neil Palomba, former President at Costa Crociere and Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer at Carnival Cruise Line, will be focusing on the transformation of Plantours Kreuzfahrten into a Cruise Company. He will be working closely with the business owner and the company management, contributing to the
implementation of the sales and marketing, pricing and revenue management strategies.
Plantours Kreuzfahrten, with thirtyfive years of experience in the high-end ocean and river cruises segment, is embarking on the journey to become a Cruise Company, under the guidance of the Group's President, Inti Ligabue. The aim of this strategic development is to offer high-quality and refined cruise experiences.

Neil Palomba has a successful international career behind him, with key roles held at MSC Crociere from 2001 to 2013, contributing significantly to its development. His new mission with the Ligabue Group represents the next exciting chapter in his career.
The Ligabue Group continues to consolidate its position on the maritime scene, guided by the desire to offer unforgettable cruise experiences.

“With the entry of Neil Palomba into Plantours – said Group President, Inti Ligabue – we are continuing the process of shaping the Cruise Company of the future. Neil Palomba will be a major asset: his strengths lie in his great experience and strategy ability, thanks to which he will bolster the vision to support the board and the management”.

Press Contact:
Ligabue Group - Antonella Lacchin – VGI / [email protected] / T.+39 041 5904893
Plantours Kreuzfahrten - John Will Kommunikation / [email protected] / T. +49 0421 333 98 28